
Can you get a mental illness from prolonged use of prescription drugs?

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Such as anti depressant/anxiety pills. Because I know this individual who was of normal mental health and then they started talking anti depressant drugs. And besides that they started mixing this pill with that pill. And now 2 years later they suffer from mood swings, depressive symptoms (sometimes), always tense, paranoid. But not that bad. Now they take 3-5 types of pills daily. . .Was this possibly caused by prescription drug misuse?




  1. Misuse of prescription drugs always has side effects and needs to get monitored by a licensed doctor. They can not only get mental illness but they can get seizures. They need to ask for help before anything worse happens. Those anti-depressants can be fatal when mixed. And anti-depressants will not help the people who have no chemical imbalance in their brain. They are just messing their brain up in contrary. Some people just needs psychological therapy or counseling. Get them to get help.

  2. bet u are talking about yourself not a FRIEND stop the pills u junky

  3. yes for sure!! those drug that treat mental illness are also the cause of more mental illness , especially long term users! the side effects can/are horrible and can even cause death! thats why you must be very careful when using them and make sure you do not use them straight for more than 10-12months

    3-5 types of pills a day will reek havok on your brain and body, there is no reason why anyone should be taking more than 2 types of pills a day.

    more than that, and thats basically suicide. just look at what happened to heath ledger, he was on like 6 at once.  

  4. yes depending on what drugs

  5. why would someone who isn't depressed take anti-depressants? they don't give you a high at all and they don't prescribe them unless necessary.

    if you mix drugs improperly it is possible to cause brain damage that can lead to mood swings and behavior like that

  6. Absolutely. Especially with drugs like Xanax and Valium.

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