
Can you get a tattoo while pregnant?

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Just wondering..




  1. most parlors won't ttattoo you if your showing but don't risk it.  

  2. bad tiffany M dont do that to baby tiffany M

  3. Nope. If it's a legitimate artist, they will not touch a preggo chick. There's insurance issues and health reasons they stay away from that. The insurance issues are because if something were to happen to that baby just from sheer chance and genetics, you would be hard up to prove that it wasn't anything the tattoo did to a blameful mother. They have no proof that the ink or anything could possibly hurt the baby. But the Health issues are enough to make any good mom stay away. WHen your getting tattooed your brain kinda kicks into overdrive and creates Endorphines to help the body and mind cover as a distraction from the pain. it's a natural response the body does. If you ever have a long sitting getting a tattoo, you know exactly what i'm talkin about. The endorphines start pumping which causes your heart to race which messes with your blood pressure, which in turn messes with Baby. Not to mention you would have a hard time tryin to heal that piece since everything in your body is haywire and transfers everything to the baby first and you just get the leftovers. which makes healing a *****.

    Trust me, it sucks to wait, but well worth it. I found out i was preggo three weeks after starting the line work on a piece and now i have to wait until January to finish it. I'm used to getting tattoo'd frequently, and now i'm having to go 10 months total with nothing.  

  4. I would talk to your ob. I know that there are restrictions on donating blood if you have been tattooed in the previous 12 months. Besides the blood supply is shared by the mother and the fetus so it just seems risky at best.

  5. No, you can't in the US and Canada.  Most tattoo shops will make you sign a release stating you are not pregnant and if you are visibly pregnant, they won't touch you with ink.

    Hope this helped!  Take Care!

  6. i am inked up, but never got one during pregnancy. don't mess with mother nature...

  7. i wouldn't. why take the risk? it's only 9 months to wait.  

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