
Can you get a ticket for drinking a beverage (nonalcoholic, obviously) while driving?

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Can you get a ticket for drinking a beverage (nonalcoholic, obviously) while driving?




  1. no i dont think so

  2. No

  3. You can get a ticket for impaired/reckless driving, if the officer sees you drinking and speeding etc. Same with a cell phone.....

  4. If you cause an at fault accident you'll get a ticket for that, but not because your were taking a drink..

  5. You can get a ticket anytime. Just arouse the attention of a traffic cop. If one wants to give you a ticket, believe that you will get one !!

  6. Yes. You can get a ticket for doing anything that is considered a distration from driving. It includes such things as drinking, eating, talking on phone, reading, shaving, putting on make up, smoking, changing clothes, and more. Yes all of this has been done by people already.

  7. yes u can gt a DUI wich is Drinking Under da Influence

  8. i dont think so because i've seen police men drink non-alcoholic beverages before

  9. Yes but it is not likely. You could be ticketed for "careless & imprudent" driving if you are swerving around while drinking the beverage.

  10. I'm sure your talking about NA beer.The answer is Yes if you look at the lable there is about .05% alcohol content in the beer which is almost impossible to get drunk on no matter how many you drink,but alcohol content is alcohol.

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