
Can you get a ticket for going to lunch during school while you have a provisional driver license?

by  |  earlier

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I have off campus lunch at school so i always enjoy going to a fast food place during lunch but since i have a provisional license im not allowed to have more than one friend under 21 with me in the car. can i bring my friends with me that are under 21 to lunch with me. but i was if this counted as a school related activity and its exempt from getting a ticket. please help thanks




  1. it depends what state your in, im like u learning new stuff and finding out the doo's and dont's. im shooting for my license.  

  2. haha yeaa you can get a ticket

    but everyone does it anyways


  3. Your questions answers itself. If your provisional license allows only one person under 21 in your car(depending on how many people you plan on taking) you can get a ticket. The law is the law; School isn't an exception.

  4. of course not

  5. must have a person with a driver license and going to lunch is not a school activity its lunch

  6. Depends on your state.     You already know this does not count as a school activity and there are probly no exceptions on that driving law.

    Check with your DMV.

  7. unless it is a school approved function it does not count so yes you could get a ticket.

  8. These vids will tell ya

  9. the law is the lway no matter what time of day it is so that wouldnt get you excused from a ticket

  10. it is not a school related activity.  you are choosing to go there.  no one at the school has directed that you go to this off campus lunch.  Nice try though, F Lee Bailey.

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