
Can you get a towable tube rope for boating longer than 60 feet?

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Everywhere on the internet all the watersports sites, ebay, etc I am finding that you can only get 60 foot ropes for towing tubes with your boat. I find longer than that all the way up to 100 feet for skiing, or wakeboarding, the ropes with the handles on the end instead of the loop.... I am wondering if there is anywhere I can get a longer rope than 60 feet for a tube, or what other options I have?




  1. Most ropes, especially the longer ones are sections of ropes looped together. This way you can take of sections that you don't want and make the rope shorter if needed. So if you have a tube rope already, buy a longer wakeboarding rope and then take those sections and add them to your tube rope. Then you will have a good rope for wakeboarding and the flexibility to change lengths on either rope (tubing or wakeboarding) with those extra sections.

  2. Yeah of course there is! Go to

    They will have exactly what your looking for.

    Very reliable source....great gear.

    They will have all your boating needs! Hope this helps.

    If they can tie two ropes together...simple idea but It works. I have done it many times.

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