
Can you get a virus from a myspace profile? or just a website?

by  |  earlier

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i went to mobsteradd,com and added some ppl since then my computer messed up. do you think it was the website that gave it to me or one of the ppl i requested as a friend?

whatever i have does not let me get into the internet when i click the "e" icon. it also wont let me go to internet options in the control panel. i thought if i deleted cookies it might help..any suggestions??




  1. you can get a virus from ANY website....

    that's why kids under 13 should not be on the internet... they will click on anything out of curiosity

    the biggest sites to avoid are sites that are trying to exploit whatever the newest questions are.... like mobster sites... tracker sites... view private profile sites...

    any site that promises to do something that isnt actually possible is a site that should be avoided

    *sits back to watch how many thumbs down i get for explaining the truth to the community which is trying to exploit little kids*

  2. it was the website.

    pop-ups give you viruses.

  3. you can get a virus from any website, e-mail, pop-up, or most anything that you are not expecting or on guard for. i would strongly recommend you find and run a virus scan program and a pop up scanner program and run that also. we run ours once a week just to make sure nothing has slipped in.

    we use spybot and symantec

  4. In some websites when you click a link or something scripts are activated and then files are downloaded to your computer, so yes there are websites that give you viruses when you go there.

    But you must be having a anti virus and if a virus got downloaded it would have been detected.

  5. get ur computer to a computer place and have them run a virus check theyll check ur computer 4 free if u dont have a program that detects viruses and yea that happened to me 1ce on myspace  

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