
Can you get an STD or Sick from mastorbating with a halfly thoughd hot dog? Not joking! Plzz help!?

by  |  earlier

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Im not joking... PLZ I think I have a bump thing in my Vergina.. And I did it like maybe 2 wks ago.




  1. lol arrrggh is amazing wat people do, i think the best person to ask is ur doctor n maybe tink about gettin a man to do you with da old in and out

    with a condom (wink)  

  2. you can't get std but infection yes... go to the doc.. I know it would be little stupid to say to the doc what you've done with the hot just make something up :o) I would lol

  3. Std no.infection maybe.allergic reaction is also possible

  4. did you use a condom? there may be some kind of bacterial infection, i would probably go to a doctor.  

  5. You might get some bacteria in there.  That's why allah said not to eat pork.

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