
Can you get an abortion without a parents consent?

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do u have to have a parents permission or a parent with you to get an abortion or can u just go urself and get it?




  1. Depends on what state you're in.

    wow, you are NOT automatically legally emancipated.  Krystina, where in the h**l did you get that bs info??

  2. Hi sweetie, I'm assuming you are going through a tough time and I am very sorry about that. The very nice people at this phone number 800-395-HELP are willing to help you with whatever you may need

    You do not want to get an abortion! Please let me explain why. First of all it can hurt you in a number of ways there are many risks. Let's talk about the risks for you. There are at least 13 major studies and 27 worldwide showing that women who have an abortion increase their chance of getting breast cancer. Sterility occurs in 2%-5% of all abortions. There is a 5% chance of cervical tearing, (I don't know exactly how bad that hurts, but I sure would not like to find out by experience!) If the uterus is punctured or torn it could be necessary to have surgery to repair it. Bleeding and hemorrhaging are also possible complications.

    You also have to think about your mental and emotional health. The aftermath it can cause to you mentally can be very painful, and the thing about this is it may not manifest itself for some time, which may cause some people not to realize there will be even more harmful effects later.

    Many women do not get all the information before they choose to abort. Then they regret it when they realize what the abortion really was. One thing that many wish they had seen before they made a decision is pictures of what an abortion really does to babies. If they had seen them they never would have aborted. I will include a link of that - Please -look at that link you owe it to yourself to be completely informed to prevent yourself from making a choice you will regret. Be sure to check out all the links, this is such a huge choice don't ignore the chance to get the facts.

    A separate human life begins at the moment of conception. When you are pregnant, no matter how far along, the baby inside you is completely human, and to abort it would be to kill a person. A baby can feel much pain when being aborted. Please do not let the abortion industry hurt you or your baby.

    So as I hope you can see an abortion would be a very hurtful choice for you and also your baby. Obviously, if you are considering abortion, there must be something about being pregnant or having a child that you feel you can't or don't want to do. Let me tell you, there are wonderful places -- pro-life pregnancy care centers. There are very sweet welcoming people who work there and money is not an issue, pregnancy care centers just want to help you and your baby. They can help you with any issue you may have with being a mom or else refer you to someone who can. Go to http://www.OptionLine.Org or call them at 800-395-HELP they can tell you where there is a location near you and answer any more questions you may have and they know many more facts than me. Please go ahead and give them a call before you make any decisions.

    Do not have an abortion, please, it will not do any thing good for you.

    If you need any help with continuing your pregnancy and keeping your baby post another question for us and remember adoption is one option available to you. And go to http://www.OptionLine.Org you can chat with them, they will be very knowledgeable and caring. Also they are completely non-judgmental.

    I hope you make the right choice and give your baby life. Keep us updated.


    Check out all the links in my sources they all have important things to consider and more information than I could fit in my answer.

  3. It depends on the state that you reside in.  It saddens me though if you had to have surgery for anything else, you would need your parents consent. I had to sign for my underage daughter to have a cyst removed. However, an underage girl, has s*x, and then can go, in some states and have a medical procedure done and not need permission.  I am assuming that you are the one asking if you need permission.   Please consider placing your child for adoption.  You decided to have s*x, now you need to take responsibility for that action.  That baby did not asked to be conceived.  His/her heart is already beating. It started 3 weeks after conception.  The DNA was human from the time the egg was fertilized.  Don't make the mistake 4,000 women a day make, and think that that child is not a life.

  4. call planned parenthood, i believe the only thing you need is to be 13 or older and no parent

  5. I believe you do, and that's a good thing. Parents can help in situations like that.

    A girl could make a decision that she may regret out of fear. Remember, that the child is it's own person and deserves the right to life just like every other person in the world.  

  6. u do if your under 18

  7. First off I;d like you to know:

    You could always choose adoption...and

    aborting a baby usually leads to miscarriages later on...also

    emotional problems along the road...

    The answer to this varies from state to state. Few states, including California, allow minors (people under 18) to obtain an abortion without parental consent or notification. However, most states require parental consent, notification or permission from a judge (known as judicial bypass).

    You do not need to consult an attorney to have an abortion, and you do not need an attorney to get judicial bypass.  If you have to go to court, having an attorney can be very helpful and make the process easier.  An attorney may also people to communicate more effectively with the judge.

    Go here for your state...scroll down.

  8. yes if you are underaged your doctor will have to notify your parents. :]]] Sucks to be you though if you get an abortion I hope you rot in h**l :D

  9. When you are a pregnant minor you are automatically legally emancipated. Which means you can consent to your own treatment. No you do not need parental consent to get an abortion, however you will have to go through some counseling first AND it costs ALOT of money. Don't expect to be able to just walk in pregnant and walk out not..its not that easy, call local abortion clinics and get their prices etc.  

  10. Depends on where you go to have it.  You have to call and ask questions.  Some will tell you your parents have to be there and some (shabby) places will do it.

  11. actually your parents dont have the right to your medical information

    its called doctor-patient confidentiality and yes it applies to both minors and to abortions

  12. it depends on the state and how old you are. sometimes a court can waive parental notification.

    this site has the parental notification laws and other info by state

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