
Can you get an associates in fine arts, then change majors in university?

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I am close to getting a degree in fine arts through community college and I would like to move on to university. But, I would more than likely want to change my major to something like psychology. Is this possible, or does it just differ from school to school/state to state?

The main issue being, switching to a different associates program would require taking a lot more classes.




  1. Check out the requirements for an AA in general transfer- the core courses are representative of the basics most universities want you to have. I'm not positive but I'm thinking your fine arts degree allowed you to 'concentrate' on a more specific area (art courses & such) thereby letting you 'skip' some of the basics required of a general education (sciences, math...)

    I recommend obtaining a copy of the psych degree requirements as well- if you have electives left you can most likely take some courses that will allow you to get an AA plus transfer into the psych program.

    Also because education is EXPENSIVE- you might want to talk to a counselor at the university you are planning to attend to double-check the transferability of the credits within your AA- ask what they recommend you do in order to gain the most efficient entrance.

    OH and spend some time figuring out how much of the psych curriculum you can take at the community college- a friend of mine did this and basically took 3 years of well-planned courses at the community college then transferred her carefully chosen credits into Washington University for what was basically a year and ended up with a degree in Architecture that read Wash U (even though most of her education was through the community college) She saved a TON of money!!!

  2. wow, that is a huge change.  some of your core classes might transfer over and then you would start from there (so like another 3 years at uni) or they would take your credits as if you were a FA minor and you would still have a huge amount of classes to take.  Generally they will let you do whatever you want *so long as its ethical* because it is YOUR money but many of the big name schools can be a bit pig headed sometimes.

    hope i healped

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