
Can you get an eating disorder from being sick?

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I dont have an eating disorder but I will tell you I dont eat like I used too, Im not overweight or anything, im 118 lbs. I got really sick over the summer I got hepatitis and I lost like 10 lbs but I wont eat a lot of the food I used to because when I was sick everything looked gross to me, even though im better now I still dont think it looks good anymore.

Basically what im asking is can this happen?

Oh and im 5'3. I was like 127 before, now 118.

If that makes any difference?




  1. well yeah, if you're sick you don't eat and then when you aren't sick you're so used to not eating that you don't have an appetite and your stomach can't hold as much because it shrunk.  Make sure you eat enough though to have energy and keep your body from shutting down.  Think of it as a chance to start eating good healthy food and cut out any junk you used to enjoy, like soda and sugary food.  

  2. anythings possible

    if it still goes on after a week talk to your doc

    before it's too late seriouly

    i know

  3. You probably could get a disorder but you sound ok to me. What your describing is a natural way our bodies protect themslevs. Its called aversion. The reason your feeling that way is because you kept getting sick and normally getting sick would be a sign that you ate something that was toxic or bad for your body. In nature you have this so that if you like eat some berries that are toxic you get sick and dont want to eat them again. In your case everything made you sick so now everything you want to eat gives you that reaction. The more you adjust back to eating you should go back to normal.  

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