
Can you get any type of job when your 11 or 12?

by  |  earlier

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Can you get any type of job when your 11 or 12?




  1. try mowing lawns, being on the chain crew for younger football teams, consesion stands at little kid ballparks, walking dogs, etc there is always work for anyone with a decent work ethic

  2. yeah atleast you could when i grew up, i have been working since i was 10 take a walk up to any family owned bussiness i nyour area and ask to speak to the owner or manager and ttell him you want to work youll wash dishes sweep floors ect and they will hire you.

  3. feed a fish

  4. most likely not.

    i mean u could babysit or do yard work..stuff like that. but not an actual job like working at a grocery store.

    and even if you could i would doubt it because no one is really hiring younger people. They expect you to already have a first job and since the economy is struggling they don't wanna waste the time and money training or paying for someone that aren't doing the job and bringing in the money

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