
Can you get arrested for loud musiK?

by  |  earlier

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its anoying to have to go to clubs

to get the dose of heavy and loud

how loud can i legally blast ma system at home?




  1. Why do you need your music so loud ?

    The neighbors may not find it so plesant listening to your music when they do not want to .

    Also somebody may call the police on you .

  2. It's not a matter of volume, it's a matter of how much your neighbors can tolerate.

    If your neighbors have no problem with the volume you are playing at then you cannot get arrested.

    Although, if they do, they will ask you / call the police and the police will give you a warning.

    If you continue to play music that loudly, this can lead to being arrested.

  3. by llaw its ok till11 in most regions  but if its annoying to neighbours  best to comply saves the bill at your door

  4. I do not think you can get arrested, maybe if you ignore the 1st warning and the 2nd warning, but there is a time limit in most resident neighborhoods. Check with your local PD. Again, it is how much your neighbors can tolerate, so if you want, play it as loud as you can until you get that knock on the door, annd rock out.

  5. Varies with jurisdiction how loud before the police will intervene. Also timing is important since there are "quiet hours" when tolerance isn't high. Usually you will get a warning the first time, but if it becomes regular you can be pretty sure action will be taken. That isn't likely arrest (unless you were violent), but fines are quite possible.

    But risk of fine/arrest aside ... an urban environment works on the basis of give and take. Your neighbours will tolerate some loud times (everyone understands people sometimes want to party) but if it becomes regular or happens into the small hours someone will shut you down, somehow.  The wisest approach is to show some sensitivity for your neighbours and they won't be as likely to complain ... which you don't want since the police WILL act if complaints are sufficient.

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