
Can you get braces even if you don't need them?

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Its just i think braces are really s**y for some reason and i really want them i know its weird lol




  1. no but you can get dentures???

  2. Ew no. Never get them. They hurt like like heck. Trust me. Please. I'm begging you.

  3. lol. i was thinking the same thing. i thought they looked like so much funn. like changing the colors and stuff. i dont think i will actually get them tho. cuz they are very expensive and might actually mess up ur teeth. my friends say they are such a pain. lik u can get food stuck in ur braces. and i dont think that would be s**y. or if u are makeing out with wouldnt be good. lmao. braces are usually a turnoff for guys. they like girls who have beautiful starit teeth!! =]

  4. Yes you can, but don't.  They are annoying and uncomfortable.  =(  But that is only my opinion!! =)

  5. You can get them-- but it would be a waste of money if you don't actually need them, and since they end up being about $2,500 it would be a very poor investment.

  6. it's unlikely you will find an orthodontist who will put on braces if you don't need them. However, it is possible to buy fake braces which look like the real thing, if you're into that. You can put them on and take them off when you want then.

  7. i dont think so because 1 there a lot of money, 2 they hurt for like 2 days, 3 they're a pain, and many more reasons. but if u have some teeth "uh, oh"'s then that could be exaptible

  8. oh my, go to the dentist and give him several hundred dollars and he can make you face into something that no-one who has them wants to look like too  or stick little stainless steel nuts to your pearlys. GREWATF

  9. You can get braces if you really want them.

    But I dont know how good that will be for your teeth

  10. i have them because one of my molars were stuck to my jaw bone

    trust me i always wanted them and now i hate them

    so much food u cant eat

    constintally brushing teeth

    food gets suck in them

    kiss isn't all that great with them

    cant wait i get them off in one year and them u gotta have the stupid retainer

    braces give ur mouth an agony of pain

  11. Braces are expensive and no dentist will put them on you for no good reason.

    They also hurt like a mo'fo, by the way. You'd want them off as soon as you had them on if you're only getting them because you think they're "s**y".

    I highly doubt that you'd be able to get braces if you don't actually need your teeth straightened, but if you wanna pay about $150/month for the necessary adjustments, plus the initial cost of getting them put on, PLUS the pain (feels like your teeth are slowly being pulled out all at once) then you go right ahead.

  12. I'm not sure you will find many dentists/ orthodontists willing to carry out unneccessary work on your teeth.  It can also be quite painful.  I wouldn't get them unless you need them - really, it's not a good look!

  13. why the h**l would you want braces if you didn't need them???? i had braces when i was about 12 and they were so unbarable that i only wore them for about a week

  14. You probably could, execpt they cost a TON of money, and I don't see why you would blow thosands of dollars on something you don't need...

  15. yess you can.. you jus have 2 pay extra.. unless you find out you do need them..

  16. I have never heard anyone wanting to get braces to be trendy.... Wow a first...

  17. Do you like PAIN

    braces can be like going through teething again

    But if it needs to be done -- It is a must.

    the mild dull pain with prepare  you for your wisdom teeth

    Weird?????  Weird is always  good ..............LOL

  18. Braces cost a ton! Don't know why you would want them....

    I suppose you could talk to your dentist and orthodontist and see what they think.

  19. Well, if that's your opinion, I won't argue. You can probably get them even if you don't need them, but it would probably be expensive and would probably hurt. If you're sure, then go ahead! Start checking out dentists!

  20. Probably. You'll probably need to find someone who will do it for cosmetic reasons though and I'm pretty sure your insurance won't cover it.

  21. i'm sure you can find a dentist who will take your money.

  22. seeing that they cost money, many orthodontist's would love to do that for you.

  23. Cant see why you would want them - bits get stuck in them and thats not s**y

  24. Yes but whats the point then.

  25. i dont think you will find an orthodontist that will prescribe and put them on with out a reason. sorry

  26. I don't know, there may be decorative like there are glasses with just normal glass...


    Hope I helped x

  27. i agree with issac f . . . . . . weird! lol

  28. Well you could get them i guess but they are very expensive and your parents or you won't want to pay that much for no reason. Also braces aren't that great they hurt so bad and you can't eat gum or and out sticky or hard foods. But on the other side there is nothing saying you can't get them. :)

  29. no you cant!

    they cost alot of money for the dentist and they only give them to someone who needs them

    its like goin to hospital and asking for your appendics to be removed, eventhough they are not infected and you are at no risk!


  30. Braces are supposed to be s**y?  Wow, that's a first.

    But if you really want them you can probably waste your money on them, though your parents definatly won't agree.

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