I suffer from really bad post traumatic stress disorder
One of my problems is I internalize my anger whenever I hear noises or things that bother me
All of it goes right to my head and I always feel like something is dying (in my head)whenever I do this
A few months ago I woke up all dizzy and lightheaded and I have essentially felt this way since then and I am getting much worse
I cant even describe how I feel, it is a constant state of dizziness and this over all feeling of being out of it
I know I must hvae done some damage but not sure I can admit to it, I am still hoping it is psychological but I dont think so, whenever I see doctors they seem to think there is nothing wrong with me and it is in my head
From years of extreme internalized anger and stress, is it possible to do long term permanent damage? I think I know the answer but just waiting for a response