
Can you get bumps on your p***s from masturbation?if so,will they go away if i stop?

by  |  earlier

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also,how long would i have to stop if stopping works?




  1. Masturbation does not cause bumps on your p***s. Put that idea in the categor of some of the other misconceptions such as you will go blind, you will grow hair on your hands, and many other weird ideas.  Masturbation is a perfectly normal thing and you will not have any weird things happening if you continue to do it.  

  2. No, masturbation does not cause bumps on the p***s.  There is a condition called pearly penile papules however, and another called Fordyce's spots.  My guess is that it is one or the other of those two.  In neither case is it even possible that masturbation had anything to do with the situation.  Both conditions are benign.  Neither condition is curable without medical help.  Neither condition has anything to do with sexual prowess, or sexual disease.  Masturbating won't cause them, hurt them, or cure them.  So please, continue as you have.


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