
Can you get by in Puerto Rico without knowing much Spanish?

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Thanks for the answers......all except Nancy who seems like a real B****




  1. i hiredtwo translators. they are cheap. you mst be more creative. it gets annoying.repeat after me: i will learn to think and try harder to ovecome my gross ignorance.

  2. There are some locals who spend their time living off of the white folk in exchange for a spanish speaker with local knowledge.

    B/c of US proximity there are many establishments and peoples service english speaking tourists as tourism is an important part of the economy, so I guess you could do just fine.

  3. Oh yeah, escpecially around the city...but the more you are willing to practice and try, the more respect you will gain too.

  4. Yes, you can get by without knowing any Spanish especially if you will be in the San Juan area. Puerto Rico is a part of the United States. All Puero Ricians are U.S. citizens. Although some may not speak English well everyone there is taught English in school.  You will love it there.

  5. yes u can...u will eventually learn spanish...and most of the people almost everyone knows how to speak english son u can communicate talking on english too

  6. yes very well when i was there I noticed more english speaking natives but there were a lot of spanish speakers al well but they spoke english too!

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