
Can you get car insurance with just a learner's permit?

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Can you get car insurance with just a learner's permit?




  1. No because you are not eligible to own a car at this point.  The persons car you are using may be able to put you as a secondary but i dont even know about that.

  2. you know,if you want to get the most relevant answers,you got to try to find it out yourself,since only yourself knows what you really is a good resource for you to start.

  3. No. Your unable to own a car therefore unable to receive insurance. But you can begin some paper work a few weeks before becoming a full-license holder.

  4. In NY Progressive used to let you get a policy provided you gave them proof of passing a road test/being licensed within 30 days of the date your policy started.  I'm not sure if they still do that though.

  5. Typically car insurance companies will only write insurance policies for drivers with a valid license. Which makes sense, because even with a learners permit, you are ultimately not the one who carries the responsibility and/or liability in case of an accident... It's the adult who is riding in the car with you. Once you get your valid driver's license, you can get your own car insurance policy. Good luck.

    I've had good results here...

    Good Luck.

  6. no you need driver license  

  7. no, you need your license. if they give you insurance and you dont have a license, its like guaranteeing insurance for a car to someone who might as well not know how to drive one.

    how old are you? in any case if youre under 18 its going to be way expensive even if you get signed under your parents insurance

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