
Can you get chest pains but nothing at all is wrong with your heart?

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Just Anxiety related?




  1. Absolutely. Anxiety attacks are very common, and sufferers usually think they are having a heart attack or that they are going to die.  If you're having trouble with anxiety attacks, you might benefit from therapy or relaxation techniques. (They help me.)  

    A great therapeutic program is Dialectical Behavior Therapy - gives you more control over your emotions and keeps you from feeling helpless.  Relaxation techniques are part of the DBT program, but information about them is all over the internet. If you can't handle the anxiety on your own, even with relaxation techniques, then it is time to see a doctor who can treat your anxiety.

  2. yes, i get chest pains, and I'm 17. Last year my mom and I went to see my cardiologist (I used to have some heart problems) and after some tests, she determined that nothing was wrong with me. It's just part of growing, so it's natural to get chest pains.  

  3. stress

  4. it could be heartburn or your lungs or just muscle spasms.  

  5. Yes you can get chest pain related to anxiety or also a condition called: Costochondritis

    I get chest pains too I think that Costochondritis and anxiety related chest pain is connected as I get both. Mine were really bad and quite concerning to me but when I saw the cardiologist he said my results were the most healthy and normal he had ever seen. Still sometimes the pain scares me.

  6. Pain is a symptom of local discomfort. There are several incidents not related to heart problems that could trigger your reaction, indigestion gas, anxiety attack, and allergies. If pharmacy can't recommend a solution go see a doctor. If the pain travels, and there are accompanied sweating and breathing problems then go to your doctor for it could be a preliminary heart attack. Hope this helps.


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