
Can you get electicuted iff.... [Help!]?

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you're on the phone in the middle of a bad thunder and lightning storm??




  1. Improbable, but, not impossable.

  2. That happened to my uncle about 15 years ago.  He was on a land line phone and I guess the lighting came in on the phone wire.  It knocked him to the floor but didn't kill him.  He was a little scrambled for a couple weeks but eventually seemed okay.

    Jay Leno in his opening dialog referenced some people who were struck while on their cell phones.  I don't know if that's possible but if the phone's output ionizes the air around you, who knows.  He was using it as joke material, the punch line being, "See, even God can't stand people yakking on their cells"

    My advice is to stay off land lines for sure, away from plumbing and all the other safety advice they give you.

  3. Only if you're on a phone connected directly to the line by a cord and lightning strikes a phone line.  Cordless phones are safe.

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