
Can you get electrocuted on the toilet if lightning hits your house while you're doing your business?

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you can't be in the shower but what happens if your on the pot?




  1. As long as you don't have metal pipes and a metal toilet I think you should be alright.

  2. The chances of getting any kind of shock are extremly small as long as you have a lightening rod or a properly grounded electrical system. In those cases, the electricity from a lightening strike will move through the shortest route to get to the ground, and that is usually not through your toilet.

  3. No. Unless you have a metal toilet, you are not connected to the metal plumbing in any way, and therefore not grounded.  If you are in the bathtub or have your hands in the sink, you are grounded, and it is theoretically possible to get a jolt, but the probability is ridiculously small.

  4. no

  5. Electricity has the property of seeking the shortest path between two polarities. If lightning is a danger, it is when you are on its path between the clouds and the earth.

    On the toilet or in your bathtub, you are not so: only in contact with water - so to speak. There is no danger at all. The fear of being hit by lighthning has been greatly exaggerated. Life isn't that dangerous.

    I am sixty years old and I have sailed all my life a tiny sailboat with a big mast pointing toward the sky in many thunderstorms. I was hit only once but then, I was in harbour. It didn't do anything more than destroy the antenna of my VHF radio.

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