
Can you get fired for missing 1 week of work even if you have a doctors note?

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I live in Florida and I am wondering if that is legal.

Lets say for instance, its a holiday week and i get sick from Monday until Sunday and someone else from the department has vacation all week as well. If I provide a valid doctors note can I still be fired for missing the week while someone was on vacation as well or is that illegal and can I press charges?




  1. Florida is an "employment at will" State so they can fire you for any reason not specifically forbidden by law, or for no reason at all. Taking off sick, even if you have sick leave to use, is not an illegal reason to fire you.


    PS.... "Right to work" is a totally different issue, having to do with forced Union membership, and has nothing to do with this.

  2. I am not sure about your state's laws...but I believe if you have enough sick leave, then you cannot get fired.  If you don't get any sick days, then I think they can fire you for not showing up.  Talk with your employer as soon as you find out you're sick and hopefully she/he will work with you.

  3. Absolutely. Your employer has a right to fire anyone (except in certain cases like discrimination) If it a small business like a store or service station that is owner operated then you are pretty much out of luck. The owner might be a jerk, but being a jerk is not illegal.

  4. If you aren't in a union job they can fire you for almost any reason. I hope someday even union members will realize that unions have outlived their legitimate usefulness and get out from under the umbrella, like the rest of us. An employer can do pretty much whatever he/she wants that isn't illegal, and that isn't.

  5. First, Florida is a "right to work" State. They can fire you for any/no reason. If you did not call in to work while you were off, the 3 day "no call, no show" policy can get you fired.

  6. Notes from your doctor,  like notes from your parents in grade school,  do not really matter.  You need to check your specific state law but in most states they can fire you for not showing up for work and it really does not matter why.  

  7. Generally you work (and get paid) at the pleasure of your employer. That means that you can be fired under any circumstances at any time.

  8. What does the other person have to do with this? Are you guys planning on taking a vacation together and don't want to get fired or something?

    If you want the time off work, then tell them in advance, don't lie and say you were sick - why else would you be "hypothetically" asking if you were to HAPPEN to get sick.

    Aside from that, yes, they can still fire you even if you have a legitimate doctor's note. However, you can use your proof to get unemployment - and you can only get unemployment if you work full time. I live in Florida.

  9. Companies have sick policies. If you violate it for too many sick days, even with a doctor's note, you can be terminated as long as they do not violate EEOC discrimination policy when they do it. Happens all the time.  

  10. in CT, as long as you had a note 3 days AFTER calling out, you're safe. We have something called FMLA and you job is safe for everytime you see a doc.  

  11. It is not illegal at all. In at will employment, you can be fired for sneezing too loudly. However, if you have a legitimate illness and can prove that you were under a doctor's care for the entire week, then you can file for unemployment and you will probably get it

  12. No, you can't press charges.  I would venture to guess that this may have been a pattern with you.  Doctor's notes are notoriously easy to get.  Suck it up, find another job and go to work, even during Holiday weeks.

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