
Can you get food poisoning from this???

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I went out for dinner and I ordered fettucini alfredo. It tasted a bit sour and I ended up feeling very sick after.

Is it possible to get food poisoning from this?

Could it have been the sauce?




  1. You can get food poisoning from anything to be honest.

    could of been left in the sun to long or something fell in it.

    Quite horrible

  2. You could get food poisoning from any type of foods. Just lay down and try not to eat anything yet..

  3. The sourness in the sauce may have a lot of possibilities. It may be the cheese or the sauce turned bad.

    If you currently is having diarrhoea AND vomitting, it is possible that you may have food poisoning. It may not be food poisoning on the other hand. Your sickness may due to a lot of other factors/possibilities.

  4. yah possibly and most likely. ur nose detects alot

  5. Yes you can and if your stomach hurts really bad get too the hospital right away.... my sister had food poisoning she ate at someones home and came home sick ....her stomach hurt so bad she layed on the floor  on her stomach in pain dad rushed her too the hospital she had food poisoning... she was telling us it was the worse pain you can imagen ...dont take any chances good luck .....

  6. here's what you sue sue sue sue sue sue sue there assets back to 1679

  7. OH YES totally!! haha jk idk!!!

  8. Yes you can get food poisoning from just about anything. If you vomit and/or have diarrhea then it could be food poisoning; if you don't feel better after "that" and it continues go to the hospital. I had it once very bad and just waited it out not fun.

  9. Yes it is possible just take lots of fluids if not feeling better after 3or4 days go to doctors

  10. It might have been the sauce, because the sauce would spoil the most quickly. I would go back in your mind over what you have eaten the previous hours and determine whether or not it was that.

    Also, try resting and seeing if you feel better; the flu is going around.

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