
Can you get help from LEAS for child who has aspergers and is being taught at home?

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I recently had the diagnosis of aspergers given to my daughter of 8yrs.The peaditrician said it is on the milder end ,but nether the less it is aspergers .We suspected this for near enough 2-3 years as things where becoming more apparent from this time especially socialising.She was in mainstream school but they would not acknowlwedge her areas of specific difficulties as they did not pick up on specfic things and also they could not get their head around the fact that she was especially gifted in the mathematics areas so could not have these other difficulties.We decided to home educate as LEA would not give us any help but most of all would not even acknowledge the diffuclties within the autistic spectrum range,had a statement for speech & language & aslo the dyslexic side was mentioned,but nothing in the statement to help this although the ed phyc made recomendations.Can we ask the LEA FOR help now we have a diagnosis, in relation to us home schooling our child,told may be possible!




  1. maybe  my son has crohns that is why i home school my school droped him and offered no help we then went to k12 and wow what a program ckeck into all areas you never know untill you try good luck

  2. What kind of help are you seeking from the LEA? We also home educate our son, who is also 8, and who is also Asperger's. We have never registered him, and we are doing autonomous education. We've found that the LEA are not very helpful with financial help of any kind, and they are a nuisance to many home edding parents because they try to interfere and control the type of education that the parents' have decided is best for their children. You can try contacting education otherwise, and become a member, or try your local HE groups for tips or educational resource sharing, but many things are available on the net. You can get DLA for your child as you have had a diagnosis, but we applied for DLA and got it even before our son's diagnosis.

  3. YES

    Contact your LEA for advice

  4. there a progarme called dore

  5. this site might help, if not phone your education department

  6. I trust you live in Lincolnshire. You should go to the council and ask for help , if not , do you have the money to send her to a private school , if the problem is mild then I don't see why she can't be taught like all the other children. If you live in lincolnshire , may I suggest St Martins Prepatory School or St James' School. St James is also a secondary school so you wouldn't have to cope with the stress of going to a different school when she's 11.

  7. Yes, there should be a specific department that deals with this. But first you should contact a parent group for special needs funded by the council. You will find the number on your councils web site. The group will help tell you exactly what your daughter is entitled to. Good luck

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