
Can you get high on Zidovudine?

by Guest56139  |  earlier

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I'm working on a short story where a character uses his lovers essential medication to get high. Will it work with Zidovudine? If not, any ideas what other medication will work?




  1. I am not aware of anyone getting high off Zidovudine, or AZT. There are some very serious side effects that could produce a "high". But the person would feel so crappy getting to that point that I don't think anyone would do it willingly. Liver failure can cause some extraordinary hallucinations. Severe anemia can bring upon the patient a transient euphoric effect.

    I guess I would stick to the old standby opiates. Vicodin, oxycontin etc. Some HIV patients use them regularly.

    I would be happy to be a medical consultant for your story. Contact me if you wish. I have done so on a couple of movies.

  2. No it will slowly posion your liver which will cause cronic illness. Try a asthma inhaler which do nothing which will harm you or if you don't have a inhaler try, Whip cream use it standing up that make be guessing for daylight

  3. this link should give you all the info you need;

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