
Can you get high on grass?

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like the kind in ur yard?




  1. No.  Well, maybe lightheaded from the smoke inhalation and lack of oxygen.  

    If you think that is what pot tastes like you haven't smoked real ganja.  

    Don't be smoking plants from your garden.  

  2. No because there is nothing in the grass to cause a high, and if you did get high on grass it would all be in your head. Also it probably wouldn't taste to good.

    I don't see the point of trying, but hey everyone is different.

  3. If you are getting high on yard grass you are probably feeling the effects of herbicide poisoning.

    During WWII cigarettes were severaly rationed for civilians.  My great uncle, who was a chain smoker, reverted to smoking yard grass.  The heavy residue from the grass ruined his lungs and he died before WWII ended.

    So think about that seriously.  Why ruin your health?

  4. what a dumb question. but no.

  5. yes. you should smoke some.

  6. What do you mean by "High"? If comparing to the same high you get when smoking Marijuana, then no.

    There is no THC in yard grass, which is the product of Marijuana that gives the "High" sensation.  

  7. No Kimmie you can't get high but the grass can.  That is why we have illeagal aliens to keep the grass cut.

  8. My dogs sure can.  They absolutely love it.  Roll in it, run on it, smell it.  

  9. Why would you even try?

  10. There are grasses with alkaloid content people, i.e. rygrass, phalaris species, but not common turf.

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