
Can you get ill from drinking flat cider?

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I have a bottle of cider in my fridge that I drank a couple of weeks ago. There is still some left but it has gone flat. If i drank it would i become ill? Its not past its use by date thats not til ages away.

Is it still ok to drink or not?




  1. no but you can get ill just from drinking it, I hate the stuff

  2. Should be fine its just lost its carbonatedness will be like alcoholic apple juice drop some ice in it will be yummy.

  3. Salutations,

    It is probably still drinkable, but as you said it is flat, so why would you want to drink it, probably the same reason I drink flat soda all the time, it seems a shame to waste it. Cheers

  4. it should be fine - if u like it flat, just dont drink it whens it warm cus that does make u ill

  5. You better not drink it. Just to be safe...  

  6. If it hasn't gone sour then you should be OK as long as you don't drink more than 4 pints of it. Sour means that it has turned into cider vinegar which in itself isn't nice to drink but i is useful for cooking.

  7. are you a student lol????

    you wont get ill it will jsut be really minging i would throw it away after 3 days max

    seriously it will taste really gross

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