
Can you get in to Harvard easily with a 36 ACT

by Guest59270  |  earlier

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In my last question my GPA was a 4.0 unweighted. My weighted Gpa is 4.9, also i play piano tennis. Created a mission program where i send books to missionaries around the world. I operate my own lawn care service. Have been to India on a mission trip twice. Play piano for church. Involved with youth.




  1. No, not in my opinion but if the rest of the credentials fall into place dont see why you cant get in.

  2. Harvard doesn't only look at test scores and GPA, they will also look heavily at other things like community involvement. They have a ton of students like you apply every year: Perfect GPA and perfect SAT/ACT score, but they simply can't accept you because someones credentials are somewhat better than yours. Still though, you might have a chance, go ahead and apply and do the best you can on your application.

  3. You cant get to Harvard easily DOT.

  4. not easily but possible

  5. Well. It helps, but you need to be amazing in every other way, too.

  6. good for you =)

    but I do not think that'll allow you easily to get in.  That's just a plus there are probably a lot of other stuff too that you'd need.  

  7. certainly not.

    It's a package deal.  

    My friend got a 1560 on her SAT and was flat out denied.  My friend with only a 99 average and an extremely well rounded profile and was accepted.  she got a 1400.  It is never and easy in.

    Good luck though! And congratulations on the high score if you got that!

  8. it is not going to be easy. my sister in law had a 4.05 gpa and a high sat score and could not get into the school she wanted!! you can try!

  9. it's not all about the ACT's for any college. They care more about the grades you have had throughout high school, but you do need the ACT's to back it up too. They would rather have a hard worker who it not naterally smart, than a person who is naturally smart and not willing to try. So if you got a 36 on the ACT's it is not a guarentee.

  10. No-one, regardless of GPA or anything else can ge into Harvard easily.



  11. The answer to "can you get into Harvard easily" is a definite "no".  However, if you have an amazingly, outstandingly eye-popping academic record to go with your scores, you could potentially get in.  

  12. i did

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