
Can you get in trouble for forging 2 checks--($100 each) after its been 8 months. ?

by  |  earlier

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I was actually owed this money by a former boss for hours worked, he kept procrastinating and never gave me the money, so yea being stupid I took two check and wrote them out to myself. I am aware it was completely wrong, and yes I did get let go for dong it. My question is can I still get in trouble for this after its been 8 months and nothing has happened.




  1. Yup

    You should thank your lucky stars it looks like he is not prosecuting - where I work you would have been fired and all documentation provided to the police to prosecute

  2. yes, they can still sue and/or press criminal charges. The statue of limitations for forgery is 2 years.

  3. Yes.

    If you murdered someone in 1912 you still get punished even if you have cancer and are dying.

    It's a crime, you did it, you always face consequence. Sorry.  

  4. Yes but as a practical matter, you are PROBABLY in the clear.  Don't sue me if the fuzz comes knocking on your door tomorrow to chat about the purloined checks.

  5. If they haven't reported it to the police for 8 months, it's not likely that they ever will. However, this will still haunt you, since employers always ask applicants if they ever stole from a previous employer. Some will even ask this in a lie detector test. If they ever find out what you did, you will lose another job. And in the interview, they will ask you why you left your previous job.

  6. Yes, If your boss still has those checks and he turns them over to the police.

  7. Yes, most felony crimes have a statute of limitations of about 5 years, meaning that if you don't get charged within the time for the statute of limitations then you don't have to worry about being charged any longer.  

    In the general scheme of things, 8 months is no time at all.  They are gathering proof of your crime, and preparing to prosecute you.  

    You need to go to the employer and ask what you can do to make it right between you and him.  He will respect you for your courage.  If he is willing to forgive and forget then it is likely that the state will not charge you with this crime.  

    Be an adult and go to him and face the music.  Call to make an appointment if you did not leave on good terms.

    Everyone makes mistakes.  The difference between good people and bad people is how you behave after the mistake.

    Good Luck

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