
Can you get info. on your medical records removed?

by  |  earlier

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I was seeing a psychiatrist for ADHD and Anxiety due to a stalker.

One day, my Mom and I got into an argument. I was crying and stressed out about school and stuff. She then called my Psychiatrist office to get me an appointment. The receptionist answered and explained that he was busy for the day. The receptionist then asked why I needed an appointment so bad. My Mother explained that I was "very upset" and that she was "worried about me" and thought I should go talk to a Psychiatrist. The receptionist told my Mother to take me to the Psych Ward. My Mother never took me because it was just an argument and I was no longer upset after 20 minutes or so.

However, when I went to my next appt, the psychiatrist said "So your Mom called and left a message that you were suicidal?" I explained that I was NEVER suicidal. He didn't seem to believe me because he kept saying "Why didn't you go into the psych ward like we had recommended?"

The receptionist twisted my Mother's words around.




  1. I would agree with sandrews on the issues of HIPAA and amending your records. You don't mention your age or past history in terms of suicidal ideation or attempts,, or if you are a minor. Did you actually hear the conversation between your Mother and the receptionist? She may have said something about being concerned about you hurting yourself, and the receptionist may have made the leap to suicide.

    If you and your doctor are not communicating and/or if he/she does not seem to believe you, it might be time to consider another psychiatrist.  Recommend that you discuss this incident with your Mother as well so that she can assist and understand your point of view better. Best of luck to you.

  2. I'm surprised you didn't know your medical information was private and confidential. I think you should spend less time worrying about what the receptionist told your psychiatrist and more time studying for the bar. The psychiatrist will hopefully work out that suicidal thoughts are not amongst the issues you are dealing with. Also, I think you will do better with a psychologist.

  3. You can request to have your medical records amended, under HIPAA law. So talk to the doctor about this and then call your insurance company, if you have one, as they may know the next steps you can take (with the uncooperative nature of your doctor it may be easier for you to talk to your insurance company about this matter). I would highly question the ethics of this doctor and his/her staff, and if you can find someone more sensitive to your needs I would recommend doing so. Anxiety and ADHD are common symptoms and no reason to cause undue panic in someone who is already stressed. You can request a copy of your medical records through the source of your last visit (i.e. your psychiatrist's office). Some charge a small fee (usually no more than $20) for the records and they usually cannot be picked up immediately. So call the office and see when you can pick up your records or have them mail it to you. Also, do not worry about your records being viewed. They are completely confidential. You said you were worried about the Bar seeing your records, but unless you go to court or are threatening to harm yourself or others, or are currently a victim of abuse (in some states anyway, this is the case) then you don't have to worry about anyone seeing your records. Those are your records and they are confidential.

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