
Can you get into Canada with just a birth certificate?

by Guest59017  |  earlier

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Can you get into Canada with just a birth certificate?




  1. To travel to and from Canada by LAND you need a photo I.D. and a proof of citizenship...EITHER a passport OR a birth certificate. See site below to read the current regulations.

  2. yup, and make sure you're not a convicted felon, or have a dui in the past five years.

  3. If you are a youth, coming in by a land crossing yes.  If you are an adult you need government photo ID like your drivers license along with it.

  4. Beginning January 31, 2008, U.S. and Canadian citizens 19 years and older who enter the U.S. at land and sea ports of entry from within the Western Hemisphere will need to present government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license as proof of identity, along with proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate or naturalization certificate, or a passport.

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