
Can you get into Canada with your license and SS card?

by Guest66767  |  earlier

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I'm planning a trip to Montreal and was wondering if I could get through customs at the border with my NY driver's license and Social Security Card?




  1. Not anymore. in the good ole days yes you could. you need a passport now.

  2. need proof citizenship...a birth certificate...

  3. Birth certificate and driving licence will get you across ON A LAND BORDER CROSSING ONLY. You''d need a passport if you were flying, or travelling after the end of this year.

    Have your papers with you, and be prepared to answer some rather silly questions. (For example: "Are you carrying any guns, drugs, explosive devices, etc.?" Resist the urge to answer with: "Yeeessss ... dammit, I meant no! My secret is out!" Canadian Border Services lost their sense of humour around Sept. 12th, 2001.) You don't get waved across the border anymore, even if you're the whitest guy in the state of New York.

  4. No, you cannot use a S.S. card as I.D.  Anyway...if you are crossing the border by LAND you need a photo I.D. and a proof of citizenship...EITHER a passport OR a birth certificate.  If you are FLYING you must have a passport.  See site below.  Maybe Canada will let you in without the birth certificate, but the U.S. will not let you re-enter without it.  At the 2nd site below  read under "Two document option."

  5. Yes you can

    We are not that sticky on those issues.

    Most of the cars occupants are asked some routine questions and waved through.

    Only if you send up some red flags will they pull you in and grill you

    If you are flying you need a passport to leave the U.S.A.

    We do not turn our American friends away .

    You will need a passport as of June 2009 to return to the U.S.A. by all modes of transportation as of June 2009

    90% of vehicle traffic are waved through after 4 or five questions.

    I know a lady in Windsor" Can Customs"

    No offense Mr Interesting but they do wave you trough  Can you imagine how long the line up would be.

    Sept 12 had nothing to do with Canada

  6. you now need a passport

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