
Can you get into a Community College with a GPA of 1.4?

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I really messed up.

I want to go to a community college then transfer to a University in like 2 years, is that possible?




  1. I think a community college will accept you, community college is AKA the 13th grade so it's standards are def. not that high. Anything is possible. At the very least you wanting to go to college is good, and it's a start. So go for it!

  2. Wittylynne is totally right. They'll make you take a placement test to see where you should start, then you'll go from there.

    I'm glad to here that you won't let past mistakes stop you, and that you want to try again and work hard!

    Just study hard and keep your head held high! Good luck! :)

  3. Usually as long as you graduated from high school, you can get into your state's community college system.  They may require that you take some "remedial" courses with such low grades (and they won't transfer to a 4-year), but one of the purposes of a CC is to provide chances for success to people like you who want to buckle down and get to serious work.  Congrats, and I hope you do well!

  4. No-- Maybe you can take some of those easy high school courses over again.

  5. Community colleges will not ask for your high school transcript and will not even accept it.  You simply apply within the deadline and you're in (18 and older).  No other credentials needed other than perhaps proving state residency requirements so you pay lower tuition.

    You can transfer to a 4-year after you complete a minimum level of coursework at a CC.  This is usually about 1.5 years at least, although  most students do 2 years of full time course work.  Again, during your transfer you do not need to submit high school transcripts.  The basis here is that you've proven your educational ability through the CC system maintaining a minimum transfer level GPA.  That is how the system is set up -- it's not a loophole, it's just the way it works.

    A lot of people s***w up in high school, it's very common and practically labeled "the American way" these days so don't feel bad.  You are on the right track to redeem yourself.  Put all the previous nonsense behind you and start fresh.  Good luck!

  6. you mind as well go get a job at the gas station cuz i dont see a 1.4 gpa student of having a well endowed future... mcdonalds is hiring too.

  7. anything is possible. just work extra hard and bump up your gpa to like a 3.5... it's time to take it seriously! you have ambition to wanna go to a university, and i think that counts a lot. build good relationships with your teachers! good luck.

  8. yahh its possible

  9. If community college doesn't accept you, things must be bad. At least try. Talk to any advisors there. What was the excuse for a 1.4GPA?

  10. Its definitely possible. They basically make you take a placement test, to see what level you should start out in --regardless of your highschool gpa. Not a big deal--just try harder at community college, its like starting over. Talk to the college.

  11. In the state of California you can. Once you are 18, anyone can enroll at a California community college. Anyone. Once you are enrolled, you can talk to a counselor about your plans to transfer and what courses to take.

    My advice? Go!

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