
Can you get into a good collage with a 2.0 gpa?

by  |  earlier

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or a 2.5?




  1. find the job that will pay for your class credits

  2. i hate to say it, but probably not. i'd suggest going to a community college and doing well there, and then applying to other colleges as a transfer. if your gpa at the community college is good, it would be a big help

  3. Not with spelling like that.

    Try a community college first.

  4. Wow... You can't even spell the word college and you want to apply to one?

  5. Maybe if you are really good with high school sports but other wise your chances are slim.

  6. Any college that would accept you with a 2.0-2.5 is only trying to get as much money out of you as possible before you fail out.  No good college will take you.  If you really want to go to college (and I suggest you consider why you want to go, since college is just going to be more work and a lot harder than high school, and you seem to be struggling already), start at a community college and bring up your GPA into at least the 3.0 range - then you can transfer to a good school that wouldn't consider you now.

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