
Can you get married in a catholic church if you are 16?

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me and my boyfriend are both 16 and we want to get married cause we have been together for a while now.....and we want to get married in a catholic church.




  1. hey.. In catholic religion you can't get married if you are still 16 years of age. you must see to it that you are 18 years old up,

    Believe me, co'z I'm a catholic.

  2. If marriage is legal with your parents' permission, you can ask your parents to set up a preliminary meeting with the priest about getting married in the Church. With enough preparation and counselling, a Catholic wedding might be possible. However, you should know that the priest may find that you two are too young, and that is something that could invalidate the marriage. Priests aren't supposed to be part of any marriage that is invalidated.

    BTW, I am sure that you are both tired of people saying you are too young to get married. Maybe you are or maybe you aren't - I don't know you so I can't say. But what I *do* know is that the statistics are against you. I used to teach high school and then I taught college. I can tell you for a fact that people change more rapidly during the ages of 16 to 22 (sometimes even up to age 25) than they do at any other time in their lives, except for their first couple of years. At 25, most people can't stand the music, clothing, activities or even foods that they enjoyed at the age of 16. And as you've probably observed, most romantic relationships that start in the teen years, end in the teen years.

    That doesn't mean that you and your boyfriend can't make a good, solid marriage together. But it does mean that it will be harder for you. You cannot guarantee that as the two of you finish growing up and become the people you are, you'll still be into one another. Like I said, the odds are stacked against you.  

  3. Nope.  The Catholic Church will not marry anyone under the age of 18 even if there is parental consent.

    Why would you want to get married now?  You're a child.  Marriage is for mature adults.  Besides, in order to get married at 16, you will need parental consent and I doubt your parents are stupid enough to do that.  If they are dumb enough to consent, then I understand where you got your stupidity from.

  4. I think that the catholic church would most def. say no. They are a conservative faith and I highly doubt it. I doubt they would even consider 18. What do your parents say???????????

  5. The church won't marry you if you aren't legally eligible to be married by the state, and, in most places, I think you need to be at least 18 to get married without parental consent. It all depends on where you live, though. If you're really serious about it, ask your priest. If you're too shy to do that, you're not ready for marriage anyway.  

  6. No you can't. A catholic church will not allow this. I don't even know that you can get married anywhere legally at that age. Maybe you should wait a while?

  7. i think if u get married now, u will most likely regret it in the future..

  8. yes you can, it depends on your state or provincal laws.

  9. Wait, just wait.  You have to be 18 at least.  Besides, if you're really in love and intend to marry each other then it won't matter to wait a few years.  Maybe get each other a promise ring for now instead?

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