
Can you get overdosed from ponstan pills?

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what is the max number of ponstan pills should you take before you're overdosed?




  1. The short answer is always stick to the prescribed amount, any more than that constitutes an overdose and can be harmful

  2. you can get overdosed from any kinda pill

  3. you shouldnt take more than what you are prescribed. for both your health and for insurance reasons. if youre in that much discomfort that you feel you need to take more than the written dosage, consult with your doctor to either up the dosage or to change to another drug

  4. ive oded like 3 times wen i took 60

  5. you can over dose on any pills

    if i were you i would not take more ever than what is said to take

  6. yea duhh lol

  7. the normal dose per day is approx 1500mg divided in 3 doses...lets say over dose will be about 2000mg,you see ponstan is called NSAID drugs and can contribute to peptic ulcers forming in the stomach wall which can be using,make sure you dont exceed the recomended dose

  8. You can overdose on anything. All that means is you took more than the recommended dosage. I'm not sure what the typical dosage for ponstan is, but anything over that is an overdose.

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