
Can you get pms symptoms if you don't ovulate?

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i have very irregular periods and i don't ovulate. However, this cycle I had an HSG and a week later, started having pms symptoms( cramping, sore bbs, fatigue, nausea...) I never have any symptoms of PMS so I thought I might be PG, the test was neg and I'm back on provera to try again this month. Is it possible to have pms/period symptoms if you don't ovulate?




  1. yes in irregular periods its common.i have pcos & i didnt ovulate this month.

  2. It is normal to have PMS without ovulating. That is why some women do not know they are not ovulating.  You can also have a normal cycle and still not be ovulating.  I don't always ovulate and have still gotten PMS.  My level of PMS fluctuates from cycle to cycle.  Some months it is much worse than others.  I have had cycles where I have ovulated and didn't have very strong PMS.  You never know.  Best wishes ttc!!

  3. Yes. Many woman do not ovulate every month, but yet still have AF come.  

  4. Yes I have PCOS and have a period sometimes even when I have not ovulated PMS is pre-period hormone surge the hormones you have before a period are different from the hormone that triggers ovulation so you can have PMS as long as you have a period with or with out ovulation.  

  5. Yes.I have a  period every mo and come to find out I don't ovulate regulary.SOme times I have severe pms and sometimes I can't even tell that I am about to start.

  6. I had a regular 28 day cycle.  It was like clockwork...took us 18 months to conceieve.  We went for blood tests on the 21st day of my cycle to check if I ovulated (a progestoerone test) and I wasn't ovulating.  I took clomid, and eas pregnant within 3 cycles

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