
Can you get possessed by a spirit and then that spirit makes you touch yourself?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend went out with some mates to the cinema to watch a film afterwards they went to get some chips but they took a short cut through an alley where a guy had recently been found (dead) she didnt want to go through but her friends left her behind so she had to in the end. when she got back she starting talking to me like normal then she told me she thought she had been followed and had a strong feeling something bad was going to happen. i told her she was gonna be ok after a while i asked what she could feel she said "like an area of evil, but its happy, it thinks it can get what it wants" that was the last message i recieved at 2:45 exactly. i tryed getting her to say something i texted and spammed her with messages but no luck. after a while i was terrified something had happened so i told myself she had fallen asleep which helped, eventually i feel asleep. at around 7:25 this morning she texted to tell me she was here so i came to talk. after a while of talking and checking stuff there was several signs that point towards her getting touched in the night, i wont go into details. the house was secure and there was nobody suspicious when she get back and she has two dogs so there cant have been an intruder. we think that a spirit possessed her and done stuff to her, she has no memory of the 6ish hours just blank "it was like i was gone then just came back". please can anyone help?




  1. It is possible that an incubus spirit followed your girlfriend home. An  incubus spirit is a male demon who tries to have sexual contact with women. In the bible Genesis chapter 6 verses 2-4 it gives an account of the sons of God or fallen angels having s*x with human women.

    My advice to you therefore is to immediately go to a pastor and ask for help about the situation. This same situation is happening to thousands of people not only your girlfriend. My other advice is to pray for yourself and your girlfriend immediately asking Jesus Christ to cover you and her with his blood and send his holy angels to protect you and her from all demonic spirits. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect your girlfriend from all harm and danger. Also you can go in your girlfriends home and pray with her commanding every single evil spirit and ever human spirit that is evil to leave your girlfriend and her home alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave your girlfriend and her house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ.

    There is a site below run by Jonathan Hansen that can help you. You can email them your problem and they will find a pastor in your area that will be able to help you.

    Another note to make. Sometimes in the occult people are able to astral project (which essentially means they are able to make their spirit come out of their body) and attack and rape an individuals as well. If you suspect this to be the case you should do as the above. Pray and ask Jesus Christ protect you and your girlfriend and ask a pastor for help.

  2. Don't worry, there is no such thing as 'spirits'.  The human imagination is a wonderful thing...

  3. So thats what it is!! heppens to me all the time!!! Now at least I know that its all some ghost fault and not just me masturbating.... It all finelly make sence!!!!   :)

  4. Spirits do exist. Skeptics like the first answerer will always say nothing exists except their own Minds. He probably doesn't accept God either, Which is is own demise. Evil spirits do nasty things to people. So I'd suggest giving it all to God and repenting, excepting Jesus as her own savior. If not, forever hold her peace and suffer the consequences. I was possessed as a child and did unspeakable things. I repented and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and was released of that evil spirit.

  5. No, because there are no spirits. You need to find a better excuse for wanking off.

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