
Can you get postive OPK's and not ovulate?Thank You Very Much!!!?

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I am on my first round of clomid and have been checking with OPK's I have been testing positive for four days now. I am wondering if you can test positive and still dont ovulate. If the follicles are there do you always ovulate! Thank you to those who answer!!!!




  1. Yes, sadly you can get positives, and then not ovulate. It may just be that your body is gearing up to ovulate, but then isn't. The tests, test for LH, the hormone that triggers ovulation, so even though there is an LH surge, it doesn't necessarily mean the egg is actually bursting out. Or it could be that you just have not ovulated yet. The only way to confirm ovulation has taken place is through an ultrasound or by charting your temps. Charting confirms ovulation after it has taken place, as long as you are ovulating. Good luck to you, and hoping this is your lucky month!!! Lots of baby dust for ya :)

  2. You can get a positive OPK and not ovulate.  The OPK is testing for the hormone that comes right before ovulation not the actual ovulation itself.  The follicles have to be there and be mature enough to produce an egg.  When I had my ultrasound on day 10 of my cycle my follicles were seen but not large enough to be ready to release an egg.  Four days later it was a different story and I had an IUI done that afternoon.  This was my first round of clomid as well and in addition to the OPK I had 3 rounds of blood drawn and two trans-vaginal ultrasounds to help predict when I MIGHT be ovulating.  Even with all of that there is no guarantee that mother nature cooperated and an egg was released.

    BABY DUST~~~~~~~~~~~

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