
Can you get pregnant 2 or 3 days after your period?

by Guest33565  |  earlier

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I'm not quite sure...can someone clear this up for me?




  1. ACTUALLY if you have a regular 28 day cycle then NO you cannot get pregnant!! The reason why some get pregnant on their period or say right after their period is because they have irregular cycles and do not ovulate on a 28 day cycle.  Once ovulation occurs an egg only lives for 48 hours, once sperm enters the v****a it lives up to 5 days.

  2. Yes, you can become pregnant during your period or directly after. Not every woman ovulates during mid-cycle, some ovulate earlier and some later. Ovulation can also change from month to month. Best wishes, G

  3. you can get pregnant at anytime!

  4. yea

    and 1 day after your period, and 4 days after, 5 days after 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc etc.

    you can even get pregnant ON your period!

  5. YES!!  You can get pregnant anytime of the month.  Even on your period.  As long as you've started your period to begin with.  But it's not nearly as likely as 2 weeks after your period.

  6. Incredibly unlikely.  If it were that easy, fertility doctors would be out of business.  You can only get pregnant within 24 hours before or after you ovulate.  Unless you have super human ovaries, ovulation is generally 14 days after the start of your period.

  7. ANYTIME! I can't believe how many women don't know this. Honestly...

  8. Sure, and during, and after, and before... anytime you have s*x, you risk pregnancy, and even if you are on bc pills, you risk it.    If you have unprotected s*x, absolutely guaranteed... any time in the month

  9. You can get pregnant any time during your cycle.  The sperm can remain viable inside you for up to 5 days, so even if you hadn't yet ovulated when you had s*x, if there are viable sperm in there and you ovulate...  And from month to month, ovulation can occur at different times.  

  10. You can get pregnant anytime, it's most likely to happen a week after your period though, or 14 days into your cycle. (If your on a 28 day cycle)  

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