
Can you get pregnant BEFORE you ovulate after a miscarriage?

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My husband and I had a miscarriage about 3 weeks ago. I just ovulated yesterday ( trust me, I know) and we avoided having s*x for the past 5 days, but we did have unprotected s*x about 4-5 times before that.

I am EXHAUSTED and have a terrible headache. Could we have somehow conceived before I ovulated due to the miscarriage? I know that we can't get pregnant before of after our ovulation time.

Any ideas???

P.S. We do natural family planning as birth control when not TTC. It has always worked for us, but now with the miscarriage I don't know.

Is it possible to concieve after having a miscariage before ovulating???




  1. Well it depend if you guys had s*x like 3-4 days b4 you ovulated you have a very high chance in getting pregnant....I believe you have a better chance since you had a m/c which can make you more fertile....even maybe 5 days prior to ovulation you can still conceive good luck and baby dust if thats what you wanted!

  2. First of all, I am so sorry about your loss.  No words can make it better, but just know that you have my sympathy.  It's horrible to lose a baby.

    Let's go to pregnancy basics 101 here: you cannot get pregnant without ovulating.  You know that...  you can't conceive if an egg hasn't been released.  So if you are sure that ovulation was yesterday, it is way too soon for you to be having pregnancy signs.  I agree with the other poster that it may be your body flushing out the final hormones from the pregnancy, or it may be that you are doing too much after the miscarriage and your body is telling you to *slow down* and take it easy on yourself.  

    Your first 1-2 cycles after miscarriage may be unusual as far as your NFP charting, so be as careful as you can and really pay attention to your charting.  Good luck and again, I'm sorry for your loss.

  3. Since you're familiar with natural family planning, then you should know that sperm can survive for upto 5 days (maybe upto 7 in extream situations with high quality EWCM).

    You may or may not know that once you ovulate, the egg has to be fertilized with in 12 hours before it begins to breakdown and die.

    A miscarriage will not alter those basic facts.

  4. Sperm can last 2 days in the womb so it is possible that you could be pregnant. If you had s*x two days before you ovulated then it is definitely possible. One of my friends got pregnant using the natural family planning. Sometimes it isn't full proof so you may want to use a spermicidal lubricant just in case if you aren't TTC.

  5. It's unlikely that you are pregnant. I had a miscarriage in May and I had some pretty rough pregnancy symptoms a couple weeks after. My midwife said that it was just my hormones balancing out after the MC. You are probably going through the same thing. Although, if you have a period that is normal (not more painful or longer than usual or clotted) then you are safe to try again. My very next period was normal so we've been trying since June. Good luck!  

  6. it's very unlikely....since you had s*x 5 days before's still possible, but highly unlikely....but i'm no expert :) try asking a fertility specialist, you can ask one online for free for advice, try

    good luck!!!

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