
Can you get pregnant a couple days before your period?!?

by Guest44719  |  earlier

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i dont think you can because you must be ovulating to get pregnant. you can get pregnant right before ovualtion, but not after ovulationa nd a couple days before your period, right?




  1. Hi,

    You ovulate 14-16 days before you start your period. there is only a 2 to 3 day span per month when you can get pregnant.

    You CANTget pregnant on your period NO MATTER what other people want or like to believe!! The reason is during your period your uterus is sheading its lining and getting ready for a new need an egg to be released to get pregnant and during your period there isnt an egg present to get fertilized! PLUS Sperm cant live and swim through Blood!! :) It has to be very slippery,stretchy and wet for sperm to live and swim upwards towards the egg.

    Hope this helps!:)

  2. you absolutely can s***n can live a long time inside the human body and all it takes is 1 to get you pregnant.

  3. YES YOU CAN.  Simple as that.  You can even get pregnant while ON your period.

  4. Yes, you certainly can get pregnant at any time during your cycle. Pay attention in s*x Ed. They still have that in the schools, right?

    Besides, you should be using protection, then it wouldn'.t be an issue

  5. You can get pregnant at any time.  Even while on your period.  There are days that are more fertile than others, like around ovulation.  

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