
Can you get pregnant a few days before your period?

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  1. It's nearly impossible to get pregnant just before your period because once you ovulate, the egg has to be fertilized with 24 hours or it dies.  Once that egg dies, it's impossible for you to get pregnant until the next time you ovulate.  Now this doesn't mean you have to have s*x right when you ovulate.  Sperm can hang around for upto almost a week waiting for an egg to be released.  So if you have s*x within a week before ovulation, you can still get pregnant.  But when it's just a few days before your period, the egg is long gone, and it should be more than two weeks before the next egg is released.

    This is why a valid form of birth control is to only have s*x during the infertile phase of your cycle.

    But here's the rub.  Unless you are carefully tracking when you ovulate (which usually requires daily testing and recording of BBT, CM, and MP) you will have no idea FOR SURE when you ovulated.  You never know if THIS is the month that ovulation was late.

    So bottom line, while you can't get pregnant just before your period, you have no way of knowing FOR SURE when it's "a few days before your period".  This is exactly why the rhythm method of birth control has such a high failure rate.  The rhythm method is when you abstain from s*x while your fertile and have s*x while your infertile.  But the way the rhythm method determines when you are and are not fertile is by the calendar.  In other words, the rythum method ASSUMES you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle and that your cycle is 28 days long.  Now even if this has held true for every mensral cycle you have ever had, you never know when something is going to cause you to ovulate late.  When you ovulate late, sudden you are fertile when you think you're not.  Hence the reason WHY the rythum method is such a failure.

  2. Hello there....

    Typically you ovulate on day 8-16 of your cycle, day one is the first day of your period, and this is based on a 28 day cycle, so you would add or subtract days based on you personal cycle length.  EDIT- Sorry forgot to say that the egg you release then has a lifespan of 24-48 hours, and sperm will live in your body for up to six days, so I would have unprotected s*x every day or every other day after you period to keep you covered. :)

    I use this website to avoid pregnancy, since I am not on hormonal birth control, but it's very easy to use and has helped me keep tract so I know what's going on with my body lol! I think it is more for women trying to conceive, so give it a try, very easy to navigate. Also, I went to Walmart and bought a little day planner for $3 just to tract my schedule and be extra careful on my fertile days, but in your case you would know when to try!

    Good luck!!!!

  3. Unlikely, if you're totally regular, but yes certainly possible.

  4. Yeah, its possible.

    But its best to attempt it when your body is really fertile. (When you're producing lots of vaginal discharge)

  5. you are least ferrtile at this time, but hey  anything is possible

  6. Yes, a female will become pregnant anytime when the male sperm enters her.  

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