
Can you get pregnant breastfeeding a one year old?

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I am 11 days late with no preg symptoms other than sore nipples I 've had regular periods for the last 9 months just longer cycles. this is the lonest wait on my period though.




  1. Yes.  

  2. yes you can get pregnant!

  3. YES!  Breastfeeding doesn't count as birth control.

  4. yes you can get pregnant. the breastfeeding method only works for about 6 months. get a test hun  

  5. yes...u can get pregnant any time---in fact when ur breastfeeding and just recently had a baby ur even more fertile.  11 days late when uve had regular periods is really suspicious so u should take a pregnancy test. good luck

  6. yes,yes,yes, Breast feeding does not protect you from getting pregnant.

  7. Yes you can!  My third son is living proof!!

    Go ahead and test.  Your cycles are probably way off from your bfeeding, but you should test just to see.

    If you were having periods while bfeeding, then you were ovulating.

  8. Breastfeeding in not a form of birth control! My SIL thought it was and she is 12 weeks pregnant with a 6 mo. old!  Good luck

  9. I know people say you cant get pregnant while breastfeeding but its always a possibility. it happened to a friend of mine and she didnt find out until she was 18 weeks gone..

    Id say do a test just to make sure.. good luck! x

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