
Can you get pregnant day of or before ovulation?

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can you get pregnant day of or before ovulation.....?

i have really regular periods. like i know on the day and hour sometimes. so i have been tracking my ovulation on a Ovulation Calender. My LMP was on 8/13/08 and I was Suppose to be Fertil 8/24-8/27 and Ovulate on the 28th. We Had s*x On the 28th. What are Our Chances of Becoming Pregnant?




  1. Pretty good but remember you only have a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant every month with you and your partner being totally healthy....Good Luck and baby dust!!!!  

  2. really really high. you are lucky you get your periods regularly.

    the best days to conceive are 2 days before you ovulate and ovulation day.

    good luck!

  3. Very much probable

  4. very good can become pregnant aproximately 1 - 2 days before and after ovulating.

  5. You Can get prego any time!! Even ovulation!

  6. Yes!  Sperm live up to five days in the uterus.

  7. yes you can become pregnant, because the sperm can survive inside your fallopian tubes and be "waiting" for the ovulation to take place and the egg to be released and the sperm from the s*x before ovulation happened can penetrate the egg once ovulation has happened. hth  

  8. The only day you conceive is when you ovulate. The day you ovulate, your body releases the egg. The egg lives a maxium of 24 hours. However, sperm can live up to five days in fertile cervical mucus but most live three days. Your fertile phase is the 3-4 days prior to ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation. If you have s*x any time during your fertile phase you have a chance of becoming pregnant (25%).  

    If you are not pregnant this time, stop using the ovualtion calendar.  It is only guessing when you are fertile.  No one can tell you when you are going to ovulate.  Even if two women have the same cycle length they could be ovulating on different days.  It is a myth that ovualtion occurs on a certain day. Ovulation occurs 11 to 17 days prior to the day you get your period.  It is different for everyone.  You have to learn about and observe your body so that you will know when you are in your fertile phase.  

    In order to get pregnant you need fertile cervical fluid/mucus. The cervical mucus consistency varies through a woman's cycle. The consistency of your cervical mucus changes during the cycle due to hormonal fluctuations. You are considered most fertile when the mucus becomes clear, slippery, and stretchy. Many women compare mucus at this stage to raw egg whites. The amount of this thin mucus will steadily increase until you experience your 'mucus peak'. This is the last day of this phase where the chance of conception is high. It is closely tied to ovulation. During this phase, the sperm's survival rate is higher. Here is some information of cervical mucus:

    Stages of Cervical Fluid: Post Menses

    Stage 1: Lasting 2 - 3 days CM is Sticky or Gummy

    Stage 2: Lasting 2- 4 days: CM is Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - Beginning of your fertile period

    Stage 3: Lasting 1-5 days: Egg white Cervical Fluid - At this time you are very fertile.

    Stage 4: Dry, Moist or Sticky (Infertile)

    Here is a more detailed description: - this one has pictures

    In order to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant, have s*x once every 24 hours during your fertile phase.  

    Good luck!

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