
Can you get pregnant even if..?

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Can women get pregnant even if she doesn't come at the same time as her partner? or even if she doesn't come at all but he still comes inside her? We've been really trying hard to get pregnant and nothing we've been trying for two and a half months! Some people have told me that it takes more time for some women because every women is different. I always get sad when my period isn't coming and I take a test and its negative. What should I do? Peopl say that when your trying to get pregnant it doesn't work but when you don't try it does, I don't know what to do. please help me out






  1. The contractions of a women's o****m can help to move the sperm in the right direction, and the extra lubricant can help the sperm have better mobility, but her o****m is definitely NOT required for a pregnancy to be achieved!

    Also 2 and a half months is no time at all! I know it seems like forever, but 6 months to a year is more realistic! Really! I know!

    Another thing, some lubricants can kill sperm! There is a product called pre-seed, it's a sperm friendly lubricant. I found it easily on line.

  2. A woman's o****m has nothing to do with her ability to get pregnant.

    What's needed to get pregnant is sperm inside her v****a and ovulation.

    Neither a woman nor a man necessarily has to have an o****m for her to get pregnant. A woman does not have to have an o****m to get pregnant as attested by many women who became pregnant without an o****m. And even men do not have to have a full o****m to get her pregnant because he can ejaculate sperms into her v****a even before he has an o****m (pre-ejaculate or "pre-come"). There are some who believe that pregnancy will be achieved faster if she has an o****m during intercourse, but this has never been proved conclusively.

  3. yea i heard that too...not worry about it, just relax and it will happen do some else to try to get your mind off of it and it will happen when you less expect it

    having o****m has nonthing to do w it but people say is better for the girl to have it at the same time or before the partner since that kind of cm can help on the survival of the sperm and easier to conseive

  4. No, you don't have to *** at the same time.

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