
Can you get pregnant if?

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Can you get pregnant if you hall out?

and do you think it would be to early to tell its been

one week yesterday and the past 2 days i feel right sick

i am suppose to go on my rag in 10 days?




  1. what are you trying to ask?

  2. Call me ignorant if you want - but what the heck does hall out mean?

  3. yes u can even if u pull out. n yes its too early to tell if it's only been 1 week. u might feel sick cause ur stressing n the hormones from u starting soon. don't stress it unless u miss ur period.  

  4. It might be too soon to tell but it never hurts to take a test anyway...I bought one from the dollar store & they work just as well as the expensive ones...My son is 6 days old & the dollar store told me that lol

  5. Be more specific your question doesnt make sense...

    You could be pregnant if you feel sick....

    on your rag?

  6. The "pull and pray" method isn't very effective... You could definitely be pregnant, however it is too early to test. Wait the 10 days and if nothing happens, then I'd start to be concerned...

  7. Ive gotten pregnant 3 times pulling out... its not very effective in preventing pregnancy. I suggest checking into birth control if you are really trying to prevent it. As far as knowing a week later, your hormones havent gone up a whole lot in a week. It might be possible but, you are probably just convincing yourself that you are.

  8. What exactly do you mean by "hall out" if you mean he pulled out then yes you can still get pregnant, and if it was only a week ago yes it is way to early to test. wait until your period is due to test. If you are going to have s*x maybe you should wait until you are mature enough to use a legitimate method of birth control (i.e. the pill, condoms, etc.) Not just the pull and pray method.

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