
Can you get pregnant if sperm gets onto the v****a entrance?

by  |  earlier

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was wondering if you can get pregnant and what the chances are if you get sperm near to and on the entrance of your v****a. but the guy wasn't inside you when he ejaculated




  1. yes it is a possibility

  2. not usually if it gets outside the lips, just getting inside of the lips doesnt mean pregnancy either, i know from experiance  

  3. The sperm must contact the egg for you to get pregnant.

    Some of those pesky little buggers just keep swimming.  It's the one you don't see that will score the points.

  4. firstly how old are you cause otherwise its a dam stupid question to ask ..but if you are serious then no sperm has to enter the cervical channels to get pregnant not the flabbias

  5. Err on the side of caution and just know that if sperm comes ANYWHERE close, it's goal in life is to FERTILZE an egg.  SO to answer your question, YES.  

  6. Less likely but possible

  7. YES!  and this is why you should not have s*x if you don't know then don't have s*x educate yourself.

  8. yes

  9. You know, asking this 10 million times isn't going to change the answers.

  10. Are you kidding??

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