
Can you get pregnant if the guy finish in you when you are on your period?

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Can you get pregnant if the guy finish in you when you are on your period?




  1. Yes. I conceived my 2 year old son while have s*x during my period.

  2. extremely unlikely. Most women do not ovulate on their periods. I hope you know this guy good or are married to him. Having unprotected s*x while on your period is a haven for STD's, especially HIV.  

  3. YES YES YES!!!  

  4. Yes. My husband and i had s*x on the 3rd day of my period and i got pregnant however i miscarried at 5 weeks.

  5. YEP i got preggers on my period.

  6. no because u may not be ovulating!

  7. Yes... there's no "safe" time of the month to have s*x and not get pregnant.  Anytime you have unprotected s*x you risk pregnancy.  (and any disease and infection!)

  8. You can get prego at ANY time of the month.

  9. YES!

  10. It amazes me how some women like asks this question like its nothing, why would u even want to have s*x on ur period anyway? U nasty as h**l and so is he....

  11. Yes. Anytime you have s*x (especially unprotected) you risk getting pregnant. "Most" women aren't fertile during their period, but nobody's bodies are exactly the same.

    Bottom line- if you don't want a baby, use birth control and condoms. Or, better yet- no s*x. It's the only 100% fail-proof form of birth control.

    BTW- pregnancy isn't the only thing to worry about. Thought about STDs or AIDS? Having unprotected s*x is not a smart thing to do unless you are in a monogamous relationship.

  12. Uh huh

  13. Yes.  s*x can always lead to pregnancy.  It is very unlikely during your period, but there is always a possibility!  Better to use protection each and every time.

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