
Can you get pregnant if the p***s goes inside the v****a just a little and has precum on it?

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  1. I'm shocked at the lack of knowledge of some of these answers.

    Precum has been proven not to have sperm in it. The only time it can is if there was sperm leftover in the glands of the p***s from the most previous ejaculation. However simple urinating will wash the sperm out easily. So if you have urinated since yor previous ejaculation, then there is no sperm there. And the sperm leftover, if any, is usual not very mobile and probably wouldn't survive long enough to make it to the egg.

    Ocourse, never say never but the odds are on your side that you are not pregnant but you should always be using protection just so you can sleep stress free at night.

  2. Yes, In one drop there are millions of sperms and even only one of them met with females egg and get her pregnant .

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