
Can you get pregnant if you have s*x in the shower?

by Guest45475  |  earlier

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He does not do it inside of me. Can you have get pregnant? I been on the pill for over 5 years and I didn't have any more refill on birth control. I had s*x about 6 time in the last 2 weeks. I went to doctor and she said to waited out for an other month. Help? Advice? Thanks




  1. what does that mean "he does not do it inside of me"? where does he "do it"? When was the last time you took the pill?

    If you have s*x you can become pregnant. It does not matter where or what situation.

  2. its called pre ejaculation. you can get pregnant. just because you had s*x in the shower doesnt change anything.

  3. yeah you can still get pg

  4. It doesnt matter if he does it inside of you or if he doesnt. You could get pregnant from him going inside of you just once. You could get pregnant anywhere you have s*x. If you dont want to get pregnant use protection.

  5. Well you can get pregnant anytime you have s*x, but seeing as you were on the pill for so long it seems unlikely. It took me 4 mos to get preggo after being on the pill for 2 yrs. Get your refill girl!

  6. you can get pregnant no matter where you have s*x

  7. No of course not because the gravity will make all the s***n drain out, it won't even enter the uterus...

    DUH!! Yes you can. You can get pregnant where ever you have s*x AND if he has a precum episode, which most men do, you can get pregnant from that without him actually ejaculating inside you. You'll just have to wait and see like the doctor said.

  8. If you are unprotected, you can get pregnant anywhere. Even if he pulls out, there is still a chance of getting pregnant.

  9. Oh no.  You can only get pregnant if you have s*x in a bed, with the lights off, in the missionary position.  And you can't ever get pregnant if the guy pulls out. </sarcasm off>

    What are you thinking??????  Honey, s*x IS s*x.  s*x CAUSES BABIES.  Period.  End of story.  Do not pass go, Do not collect $200.  And for crying out loud, GO BUY SOME CONDOMS AND SOME CONTRACEPTIVE FOAM. Or cream or gel or film or sponges.  

    Do you know what they call people who use the "pull out and pray" method of birth control?  PARENTS.

    You need to be using birth control now, and every time you have s*x until you've been on your new prescription for a full month.  And you need to make certain that you always take your pill exactly as prescribed.  So read the package insert.  If it says to take your pill at the same time every day, THEY MEAN IT.  

    You've been off the pill for a couple of weeks now, so you need to assume that you are ovulating.  ALWAYS assume you're ovulating.  It sure beats assuming you aren't and finding out a month later that .... OOPS, guess we better make plans for a nursery.

    You can get pregnant lying down, standing up, sitting down, on top, on bottom, side by side, in the shower, in a tub, in a pool, in a tent, anywhere outdoors.  If you believe the Kama Sutra, you can even get pregnant standing on your head.  

    Got it?  

  10. yes, you can get pregnant in the shower. the guy actually cums a little bit before the o****m, its called pre-***. so unless he was using protection or dry humping you, then you still can.

  11. Well, if he did his "thing" inside of you, you can get pregnant at anytime, anywhere.  Shower or no shower.

  12. Yes you can get pregnant anywhere you have s*x.

  13. Um, if I read properly...can you get pregnant in the shower? Of course, but if he never ejaculated inside you, then no...

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